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Hemp Update

On March 26, 2014, Governor Mike Pence signed the "Industrial Hemp" bill into law, IC 15-15-13, authorizing the Office of Indiana State Chemist & Seed Commissioner to obtain the necessary permits and authorizations for and production and regulation of industrial hemp in Indiana.

On December 20, 2018, the President of the United States signed the 2019 Farm Bill, which authorizes states to implement a hemp (= industrial hemp) program under the oversight of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, including removal of hemp from the definition of marijuana - a Schedule I drug. This change will allow commercialization of hemp as a legitimate agricultural crop separate from marijuana. Marijuana is still illegal to grow in Indiana.

See "More to Growing Hemp than Just a Signature" - 12/20/18 Press Release
(pdf, 272kb)


NEW - Office of Indiana State Chemist Sets Hemp Application Deadline - 03/18/19 Press Release (pdf, 184kb)


Until the Indiana Hemp Statute is modified and new rules are adopted (expected in 2019), OISC will continue to license hemp researchers under IC 15-15-13, especially research focused on hemp processing infrastructure. It is anticipated that general growers licenses will be made available in 2020.

Please visit the following links for more information on the status of hemp in Indiana: