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Fertilizer Distributor License Information

A Fertilizer Distributor License is required of any individual or business that distributes or brokers (only) fertilizer materials (manure from a confined feeding operation [CFO] or bulk commercial fertilizer) directly to the end user.

If you also apply, handle or transport fertilizer material, you are not eligible for a fertilizer distributor license. You must obtain a Fertilizer Business License (pdf, 155kb).

If you distribute less than ten cubic yards or 4,000 gallons of manure from a CFO in a calendar year, you do not need a Fertilizer Distributor License or a Fertilizer Business License.

If you distribute bulk commercial fertilizer to retail facilities, you do not need a Distributor License or a Fertilizer Business License.

To apply for the Annual Fertilizer Distributor License, complete the application form and submit it with the $45.00 fee. No exam is required for the Distribution only license. View the application form [pdf; 22 kb]