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Becoming an RT (Registered Technician)

Any person who is not a certified and licensed applicator but is using General Use Pesticides under the off-site supervision of a certified applicator is required to be a registered technician (RT).

Individuals can become eligible to be a registered technician (RT) in any one of three ways:

  1. Attend a half-day RT training, held by Purdue Pesticide Programs:

  2. Attend a full Core Exam prep session, held by Purdue Pesticide Programs:

  3. Pass the Core Exam:

Candidates may attempt the exam up to three times in a twelve-month period. Once the exam is passed, the eligibility for registration is valid for five years, expiring on December 31 of the fourth year following the year of qualification.

View details on scheduling a Core Exam

Registration eligibility may be renewed for another five years by repeating the examination process or accumulating a total of at least eight (8) continuing certification hours (CCH's) earned at a minimum of at least two (2) approved continuing certification training programs.

View details on continuing certification programs

Once the exam is passed, the candidate must become an RT in order to legally use pesticides under off-site supervision. Technician registration refers to the issuance of a credential. RT credentials expire and are renewable annually on December 31.

View the license application form  (pdf, 58kb)