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Becoming a WDI (Wood-Destroying Insect) Inspector

NOTE: A pest inspection business license and a pest inspector license are separate and distinct. A WDI inspector license can be issued only to a certified wood destroying pest inspector.

Certification of a wood destroying pest inspector is a two-step process. Individuals seeking certification must:

Certification candidates may attempt the WDI exam up to three (3) times in a twelve-month period. Once the exam is passed, the certification is valid for five years, expiring on December 31 of the fourth year following the year of qualification. Certification may be renewed for another five years by repeating the examination process or accumulating continuing certification hours by attending approved recertification programs.

View details on continuing certification programs.

Once certified, a wood destroying pest inspector must become licensed in order to legally perform inspections for hire. Licensing refers to the issuance of a wallet-sized license (credential). Licenses expire and are renewable annually on December 31.

View the license application form  (pdf, 58kb)