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Insurance Requirements for a Licensed Pesticide Application Business and
Category 12 Wood Destroying Pest Inspection Business

Proof of Financial Responsibility; Insurance

Applicants for licensure as a for hire pesticide application business or wood destroying pest inspection business shall furnish evidence of financial responsibility (proof of liability insurance) acceptable to the State Chemist prior to the issuance of such license. This proof of liability insurance must be re-filed upon expiration of the proof of insurance on file with the State Chemist. The liability insurance must be issued in the name of the business to be printed on the license.

Minimum Coverage for a Pesticide Application Business:

Minimum coverage requirements shall be three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) general liability combined single limit of liability for bodily injury and property damage.

Minimum Coverage for a Category 12 (Wood Destroying Pest Inspection) Business:

Minimum coverage requirements shall be three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) general liability combined single limit of liability for property damage.

Acceptable Proof of Insurance Form:

  1. Proof of liability insurance shall be provided by the issuing insurance company on a certificate of insurance.
  2. The State Chemist may be listed as a certificate holder on the certificate of insurance.