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Pollinator Protection

The Indiana Pesticide Review Board (IPRB) has been working with a variety of stakeholders since early 2015 to develop a plan that encompasses activities and policies that could be helpful in protecting pollinators from stressors that may be detrimental to the health of both managed and native pollinators in Indiana. While the IPRB Pollinator Protection Plan (P3) will certainly try to address pesticide stressor issues, the plan also includes a broader variety of related issues and recommendations that could be important to improving pollinator health in general.

Following is a link to the Plan plus other related links and references that may be of interest.

Please note that posting of a reference or link below does NOT suggest acceptance or endorsement of the material by either the Indiana Pesticide Review Board or the Office of Indiana State Chemist. It is being provided for informational purposes only.

  1. Indiana Pollinator Protection Plan (pdf, 8.2MB)
  2. Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Pollinators
  3. Clear Choices Clean Water (source: Indiana Clear Choices Clean Water)
  4. Clear Choices Clean Water - Pollinators (source: Indiana Clear Choices Clean Water)
  5. Protecting Bees and Other Pollinators from Pesticides (source:
  6. Understanding How Pesticide Exposure Affect Honeybee Colonies (source:
  7. Recommended Indiana-Native Plants for Attracting Pollinators (source: Purdue Entomology Extension)
  8. EPA Actions to Protect Pollinators (source: