Restricted Use Pesticide Dealer Registration - is required of any individual or firm that sells or offers to sell Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP) to end users (certified applicators) of those pesticides. This credential is required even if the firm holds other pesticide credentials, such as a pesticide business license.
When is a RUP Dealer Registration required?
In general, a RUP dealer registration is required for each business location that distributes or brokers restricted use pesticides to certified users. “Business location” means the physical site of each office, warehouse, salesroom or other establishment with a distinct mailing or electronic address at which orders for pesticide products with restricted uses are brokered or accepted from certified users. This includes facilities whose function it is to allow customers to pick up their RUP purchases. A RUP dealer registration is NOT required if the location is used solely to store pesticides.
Records may be kept electronically or on paper. No specific recordkeeping form is required.
As required by 40 CFR 171, a registered pesticide dealer must keep and maintain a record for each transaction involving the distribution of a restricted use pesticide to a certified end user for at least two (2) years from the date of distribution. The records must include the following:
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