Indiana Pesticide Review Board (IPRB) Meeting Minutes & Related Documents
July IPRB 178 Meeting Documents:
- Draft Agenda - 06/11/24 (pdf, 178 kb)
- IPRB Meeting Electronic Participation Policy (pdf, 1.8 MB)
- Draft minutes from last meeting (pdf, 204kb)
- Clean Sweep Project (pdf, 26.41MB)
- IndyStar: "Traces of weedkiller found in urine of 7 in 10 pregnant women in IN, new study says"
- IDEM Hellbender water monitoring project (pdf, 18.74MB)
- Hellbender Analytes Update (6/11/24) (pdf, 55kb)
- OISC Compliance Intake and Investigations (pdf, 281 kb)
- Drift Data Summary (pdf, 156kb)
- Region 5 EPA Pollinator Protection (pdf, 7.51MB)
- Case Summaries Review (pdf, 29 MB)
- Recording of 178 Meeting through virtual meeting technology
April IPRB 177 Meeting Documents:
- Draft - Agenda (pdf, 155kb)
- Draft - Previous Meeting Minutes (pdf, 211kb)
- Cases involving civil penalties since last meeting (pdf, 16.6MB)
- Drift data summary (pdf, 155kb)
- Dicamba highly volatile herbicide review (pdf, 260kb)
- SCOOP Winter 2024 (pdf, 157kb)
- SEA#216 - Final (pdf, 594kb)
- SEA#216 - regulatory processes (pdf, 245kb)
- SEA#216 - ag commercial applicators (pdf, 340kb)
- SEA#216 - private applicators (pdf, 310kb)
- SEA#216 - non-ag commercial applicators (pdf, 352kb)
- Recording of meeting through virtual meeting technology
January IPRB 176 Meeting Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 210kb)
- Meeting Agenda (01/16/24) (pdf, 226kb)
- Draft minutes from previous meeting (pdf, 181kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 18MB)
- OISC Quarterly Newsletter (Fall 2023) (pdf, 233kb)
- SFIREG issue paper "Mosquito Adulticide Mist Blower Use in Residential Settingsā (pdf, 192kb)
- Drift Data (pdf, 154kb)
- Dicamba Highly Volatile Herbicide (HVH) Determination (pdf, 262kb)
- Dicamba HVH FAQ (pdf, 353kb)
- Government Reform Task Force final report (pdf, 148kb)
- SB 216 Summary to Date (pdf, 441kb)
- Senate Bill No. 216 (pdf, 307kb)
- EPA ESA Work Plan for FIFRA (pdf, 1.38MB)
- OISC Pesticide Product Registration Overview (pdf, 2.82MB)
- Recording of meeting through virtual meeting technology
September IPRB 175 Meeting Documents:
August IPRB 174 Meeting Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 182kb)
- Draft Meeting Agenda (08/07/23) (pdf, 157kb)
- Draft Minutes from previous meeting (05/16/23) (pdf, 177kb)
- Cases involving civil penalties since last meeting (pdf, 12.22MB)
- IPRB work group recommendations to implement HEA 1623 (pdf, 154kb)
- HEA 1623 Analysis by Attorney General (pdf, 325kb)
- Plan for 2024 legislation recommendations (pdf, 291kb)
- 2024 legislation discussion document (pdf, 656kb) (7-26-23)
- 2024 legislation discussion document with explanations (pdf, kb) (8-7-23)
- EPA Endangered Species Act implementation (pdf, 2.44MB)
- Recording of meeting through virtual meeting technology
May IPRB 173 Meeting Documents:
February IPRB 172 Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 212kb)
- Draft Agenda (updated 1/30/23) (pdf, 159kb)
- Minutes from last meeting (pdf, 230kb)
- Final Rule 357 IAC 1 (LSA# 22-329) (pdf, 37kb)
- Economic Impact Statement for Final Rule 357 IAC 1 (LSA# 22-319) (pdf, 15kb)
- Public Hearing summary for proposed rule (pdf, 400kb)
- 2022 OISC Annual Summary Report (pdf, 252kb)
- EPA's proposed rodenticide mitigation measures (pdf, 258kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 16.38 MB)
- 172nd Meeting Final Minutes (pdf, 211kb)
November IPRB 171 Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 230kb)
- Draft Agenda - 11/07/22 (pdf, 165kb)
- Minutes from last meeting (pdf, 206kb)
- A Recent History of OISC Pesticide Enforcement Credentialing Actions (pdf, 136kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 15 MB)
- Fines Collected by OISC for Education (pdf, 74kb)
- 2022 Clean Sweep Report (pdf, 4.02 MB)
- SFIREG Issue Paper on Residential Mosquito Control (pdf, 104kb)
- EPA Response to SFIREG Issue Paper (pdf, 145kb)
- Residential mosquito control update (pdf, 1 MB)
- 1% drift guidance (pdf, 536kb)
- Recording of meeting through virtual meeting technology
August IPRB 170 Documents:
- Final minutes (pdf, 231kb)
- Draft Agenda (pdf, 195kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 18.2 MB)
- Pollinator Protection Plan (pdf, 8 MB)
- Rule Making Update (pdf, 444kb)
- AAPFCO Pollinator Proteciton Plan Survey (pdf, 463kb)
- Atrazine Interim Decision (pdf, 240kb)
- Drift Data Dicamba Update (pdf, 237kb)
- Residential Mosquito Control (pdf, 1.04 MB)
- Additional Ecological Mitigation Measures for Atrazine (pdf, 150kb)
May IPRB 169 Documents:
- Final minutes (pdf, 146kb)
- Draft Agenda (pdf, 239kb)
- Draft minutes from the 168th meeting (pdf, 256kb)
- 2022 Category 8 Training agenda (pdf, 296kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 16.35 MB)
- Proposed 2023 Training Schedule (pdf, 108kb)
- Mosquito Control Mist Blower Use in Residential Settings (pdf, 104kb)
- Commercial Residential Mosquito Control Education Upodate (pdf, 76kb)
- Weather Tools Analysis (pdf, 18.6 MB)
- Clearing the Air About Mosquito Fogging - Midtown Indy Magazine (pdf, 151kb)
- Core Exam Pass Rate by Month - Metro (pdf, 1.6MB)
- 2021 Wind Study (pdf, 46kb)
February IPRB 168 Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 232kb)
- Draft Agenda (pdf, 157kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 15MB)
- 355 IAC 4 (pdf, 344kb)
- 355 IAC 5 (pdf, 273kb)
- 355 IAC 1 (pdf, 232kb)
- Draft minutes from the 167th meeting (pdf, 237kb)
- 2021 Drift Data & Dicamba status update (pdf, 239kb)
- Enlist Herbicide Labls ... pollinators, ESA, runoff (pdf, 256kb)
- 2022 IPLLA advanced training pamphlet (pdf, 1.7MB)
November 2021 - IPRB 167 Meeting Documents:
- Final Agenda (pdf, 165kb)
- Draft minutes from previous meeting (IPRB 166) (pdf, 446kb)
- Case summaries (pdf, 3MB)
- Off-target mosquito adulticiding (pdf, 373kb)
- Draft revisions to 355 IAC 4 (pdf, 495kb)
- Draft revisions to 355 IAC 5 (pdf, 346kb)
- Draft revisions to 357 IAC 1 (pdf, 486kb)
- Proposed rule revision training plan (pdf, 137kb)
- Mosquito control complaints to OISC (pdf, 138kb)
- Compilation of notes from 09/28/21 Mosquito Control Meeting
(pdf, 186kb)
- Recording of meeting through virtual meeting technology
August 2021 - IPRB 166 Meeting Documents:
June 2021 - IPRB 165 Meeting Documents:
March 2021 - IPRB 164 Meeting Documents:
November 2020 - IPRB 163 Meeting Documents:
August 2020 - IPRB 162 Meeting Documents:
July 2020 - IPRB 161 Meeting Documents:
- Final meeting minutes (pdf, 280kb)
- IPRB Electronic Participation Policy (pdf, 1.8MB)
- COVID meeting requirements (pdf, 322kb)
- Beck Center COVID accommodations (pdf, 5.4MB)
- Draft Agenda (pdf, 29kb)
- Previous Meeting Minutes (pdf, 373kb)
- Senate Enrolled Act #438 (pdf, 166kb)
- Draft Civil Penalty Language (06/22/20) (pdf, 197kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 9.4MB)
- Appeal hearing case #PS19-0235 (pdf, 244kb)
- In-person meeting attendance (pdf, 105kb)
- Roll call votes taken (pdf, 96kb)
- Recording of meeting through virtual meeting technology
February 2020 - IPRB 160 Meeting Documents:
- Final meeting minutes (pdf, 371kb)
- Draft Agenda - 02/11/20 (pdf, 32kb)
- Previous meeting Minutes (pdf, 324kb)
- House Bill No. 1119 - 01/17/20 (pdf, 353kb)
- Senate Bill No. 438 - 01/31/20 (pdf, 240kb)
- Case Summaries - 02/10/20 (pdf, 19MB)
- Civil Penalty Assessment Worksheet for Use/Misuse Violations (pdf, 366kb)
- OISC Civil Penalty Data (2017-2018) (pdf, 403kb)
- Draft revisions to 355 IAC 4 - 01/09/20 (pdf, 416kb)
- Draft revisions to 355 IAC 1 - 01/13/20 (pdf, 397kb)
- Draft revisions to 355 IAC 5 - 01/15/20 (pdf, 285kb)
November 2019 - IPRB 159 Meeting Documents:
- Draft Agenda (pdf, 31kb)
- Final Meeting Minutes (pdf, 205kb)
- Draft Minutes from last meeting (pdf, 257kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 8.698 MB)
- 2019 Dicamba & Plans for 2020 - DRAFT (pdf, 1.358 MB)
- Analysis of Off-Target Movement of Dicamba Herbicides in Indiana (pdf, 325kb)
- Dicamba Off-Target Movement and OISC Response (pdf, 218kb)
- Guidance on FIFRA 24(c) Registrations (pdf, 315kb)
- Agribusiness Council of Indiana (ACI) 24(c) Waiver Letter (pdf, 397kb)
- Spray mixture pH as affected by dicamba, glyphosate, and spray additives (pdf, 434kb)
- Dicamba volatility in humidomes as affected by temperature and herbicide treatment (pdf, 331kb)
- Air Temperature Inversions - AE-1705 (pdf, 560kb)
- Nutrien dicamba letter to Indiana State Department of Agriculture (pdf, 34kb)
- Growmark dicamba letter to IPRB (pdf, 86kb)
- Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (pdf, 1.77MB)
August 2019 - IPRB 158 Meeting Documents:
April 2019 - IPRB 157 Meeting Documents:
January 2019 - IPRB 156 Meeting Documents:
September 2018 - IPRB 155 Meeting Documents:
- Final meeting minutes (pdf, 134kb)
- Final Agenda (pdf, 30kb)
- IPRB 154th Meeting Final Minutes (pdf, 55kb)
- Quarterly Case Summaries (pdf, 9.16mb)
- Pesticide Applicator Certification Rule Update (pdf, 92kb)
- C&T Rule Revision (pdf, 3.09mb)
- Draft Pesticide Registration Notice 2001-X (pdf, 237kb)
- Spray Drift Task Force Report (pdf, 4.83mb)
- Indiana Drift Rule (pdf, 90kb)
- Soybean Trait Survey (pdf, 396kb)
- Dicamba Discussion Presentation (pdf, 1.3mb)
- Dicamba Registration Comments to EPA:
June 2018 - IPRB 154 Meeting Documents:
March 2018 - IPRB 153 Meeting Documents:
- Final Agenda (pdf, 36kb)
- Final Minutes (pdf, 110kb)
- Mandatory Dicamba applicator training (pdf, 8,907kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 3,325kb)
- Dicamba Herbicide Updates (pdf, 80kb)
- 2017 Dicamba Review (pdf, 2,221kb)
- BASF 2017 Dicamba Investigations (pdf, 1,015kb)
- Monsanto 2017 Dicamba Investigations (pdf, 52kb)
- OISC Weather Data Discussion (pdf, 404kb)
November 2017 - IPRB 152 Meeting Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 48kb)
- Draft Agenda (pdf, 38kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 1.64MB)
- Inspector General Recommendations for Special State Appointees (pdf, 388kb)
- State Pollinator Protection Plans (MP3s) - Update on Metrics (pdf, 220kb)
- Clear Choices Clean Water Report - White River Alliance (pdf, 117kb)
- Ethics Training for State Appointees (pdf, 115kb)
- Inspector General Reminder to Board's Commission Re: High Risk Areas (pdf, 551kb)
- Glyphosate Issue Paper: Evaluation of Carcinogenic Potential - EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (pdf, 2,285kb)
- EPA Glysophate Status Update - PPDC Meeting (pdf, 86kb)
- 2017 & 2018 Dicamba Use and Related Activities (pdf, 575kb)
- State Pollinator Protection Plans (MP3s) - Update on Metrics (pdf, 220kb)
- 2017 Use of Enlist Duo Herbicide (pdf, 3,193kb)
August 2017 - IPRB 151 Meeting Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 262kb)
- Final Agenda (pdf, 27kb)
- FY 2017 Pesticide Enforcement Response Policy (pdf, 221kb)
- Draft Civil Penalty Amendment (pdf, 76kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 1,179kb)
- Dicamba Update - Purdue Extension, Weed Science (pdf, 3.17MB)
- History of Purdue Pesticide Programs (pdf, 117kb)
- What We Know About 2017 Dicamba Use & Related Activities to Date (pdf, 3,376kb)
June 2017 - IPRB 150 Meeting Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 262kb)
- Final Agenda (pdf, 26kb)
- Case Summaries for this meeting (pdf, 4,633kb)
- 2005-2016 Drift Response Data (pdf, 1,012kb)
- "A Brief History of the Indiana Pesticide Review Board (IPRB) - 45 Years & 150 Meetings" (pdf, 1,197kb)
- Governor's Proclamation - Indiana Pesticide Review Board Day (pdf, 954kb)
- Photo - Dr. Robert Waltz & Ronald Hellenthal with Governor's Proclamation (pdf, 1,824kb)
- 150th Meeting of the Indiana Pesticide Review Board: Office of Indiana State Chemist - Waltz (pdf, 203kb)
- Clear Choices Clean Water - Pollinator Protection - Hoffman (pdf, 1,123kb)
March 2017 - IPRB 149 Meeting Documents:
November 2016 - IPRB 148 Meeting Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 33kb)
- Final Agenda (pdf, 32kb)
- Attorney General's opinion re: mitigating proposed penalties (pdf, 899kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 1,014kb)
- Bulk storage & containment rule revision (pdf, 14kb)
- IPRB work group report on dicamba regulatory response options (pdf, 152kb)
- Dicamba news article (pdf, 2,637kb)
- Dicamba Discussion (pdf, 147kb)
- Evaluation of on-line CCH instruction or training (pdf, 79kb)
- Pollinator Protection Plan (P3) discussion (pdf, 1,475kb)
- Engenia Stewardship Plan letter - final (pdf, 31kb)
August 2016 - IPRB 147 Meeting Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 36kb)
- Final Agenda (pdf, 39kb)
- Dicamba drift stirs pot of farm trouble (pdf, 196kb)
- How best to tackle dicamba draft problems in Arkansas? (pdf, 61kb)
- EPA decision to approval dicamba for genetically-modified crops (pdf, 39kb)
- Rural King, Evansville statement (pdf, 1,284kb)
- Civil Penalty rule revision to exempt some disinfectant users (pdf, 4,230kb)
- Criteria for evaluation of on-line instruction or training for CCH approval (pdf, 162kb)
- Case Summaries (pdf, 1,355kb)
April 2016 - IPRB 146 Meeting Documents:
January 2016 - IPRB 145 Meeting Documents:
- Final Minutes (pdf, 38kb)
- Final Agenda (pdf, 35kb)
- Pollinator Protection Plan (P3) (pdf, 209kb)
- SFIREG Joint Working Committee Performance Measures for Managed Pollinator Protection Plans (pdf, 130kb)
- EPA Federal Register - Vol. 80, No. 163, Part II (pdf, 486kb)
- EPA - Proposed Revisions (pdf, 157kb)
- EPA - Certification Rule detailed comparison chart (pdf, 157kb)
- 2015-1341 comments (pdf, 673kb)
- 2015-1341 summary (pdf, 123kb)
September 2015 - IPRB 144 Meeting Documents:
June 2015 - IPRB 143 Meeting Documents:
February 2015 - IPRB 142 Meeting Documents: